Objects and Migration from Ecuador


It was so hard to choose only one object that relates to me and my family story when arrived into this country, I think that life is made up  of so many memories, pictures and specially details that we hold close to our heart. I want to start telling you my background My name is Stephany Cornejo,  I am from Guayaquil/ Ecuador am from the coast of my country. which is a super hot city, something  that I missed deeply went I just arrived into this country. my mother brought me and my sister to this country when we were 12 years old without knowing  a word in English. I remember I was worry when I was a child to forget about my country and the neighborhood I used to live so my mother hold on onto some things so everything we would look at them we would remember our home country. 

This chain and the picture was a gift that a friend did to my mom when she came to this country so she would not forget about her friend. something that I now find so especial because I wish I had that knowledge when I was a child to keep remember the friends I had when I lived in my country. 

This little angel is one the things that has not only being a part of my country memories. in Ecuador they do a lot of crafts made of of wood. you can find pretty much a lot of things made by hand with wood, you can find ornaments, toys, etc. My bother send this little angels to my sister, to me and my mother. each of us has their angel and now that I am a mother my son holds to the little angel and I hope that this will continue to happened that we can pass it on and on to the next generation and we keep telling the story.  

MY country is has the most beautiful objects made of wood, its beautiful how we can find in any place a touristic shopping shop that you can find many things that you can bring into this country and have the little memory living into your house from your home country. things things have years I thing almost ten years and we still hold onto them and keep telling people our story when we arrived into this country. actually this anchor brings me so much memories it was the second time I was able to travel to my country with my son when he was just a baby. everything I look into it I feel my son will never forget about his mommy home country.     

My mother hasn't have the opportunity to travel to my country but she holds on onto this hat, bag and little treasure box, all of the object were brought my Ecuador they were made by hand by the indigenous people of my country. they do many beautiful things from wool, straw, wood. my mom into this little treasure box she has her little chain and many special accessories she had from my dad because my dad die when I was one year old. so she saves this things to remember of her country hoping one day she can go back and also her little memories of my dad. 

Things as an immigrant its not easy we have many barriers when we arrived into this country, but I am so thankful to call this my country and the family we have grow into this country. if it would be for the brave decision my mom made to brings me and my sister to this country I wouldn't have the family and beautiful son I have now. I believe it was all worth it and thanks to all this things my son thanks to my mom knows the brave grandmother he has, and we keep my father and my country memories alive in our hearts and also home. 


#Objects, Ecuador


  1. This is an amazing post! I also have family members from educador and I have a bag that looks very similar to the one you posted! I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing how important educador is to you and your family and it shows a great insight into your culture.


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